Martian Colony

The Martian Colony, led by the brilliant Akihito Fukumoto, is a place where math is king and high-tech innovation is king as well. They rely on the brightest minds for a red future that's full of possibilities. But he has to face the rebellion of the clever Xae-xii, who refuse to accept the dictatorship and build another encampment and mint a new coin to finance their own rebellion: Xae-Xii Coin!

Martian Colony

Get ready for the most incredible adventure you'll ever experience to the amazing Martian Colony!

This incredible technological wonder was brought to life by the brilliant scientist Akihiro Fukumoto with the help of Alvaro Contado, the in-vitro father of Sonia Contado, who now lives in Merindol after escaping from Sisimiut.

The Martian Colony is home to some of the most impressive technology on the planet! It's also facing an incredible challenge: the "Terra Formation Program."

This incredible project is both ambitious and complex, and it's pushing the limits of what we thought was possible in a truly exciting way!

Akihiro's cutting-edge technology is making incredible strides on Mars, even if progress is slow and challenging.
It all started with a small group of pioneering scientists, led by the brilliant Akihiro, who set up the colony. Over the years, a steady stream of brave volunteers has braved the harsh Martian environment to join their ranks! Akihiro is absolutely relentless in his search for new volunteers. Even Sonia, the daughter of his old friend Alvaro Contado, initially declines to come to Mars as a volunteer.

Akihiro is undeterred by setbacks and always ready to try a new strategy! He is determined to succeed and resorts to an audacious approach: kidnapping the brightest minds on Earth. His vision is to build a class of "intelligent slaves" who can accelerate progress and overcome the challenges of making Mars habitable.

But among the "intelligent slaves," there is one really special one: XAE-XII, named after the son of the South African billionaire Elon Musk, who lived at the beginning of the previous century.

Xae-xii bravely rebels against the soft dictatorship of Akiro Fukumoto and builds another settlement. To finance the rebellion, Xae-xii ingeniously starts minting a coin called after his name: the xae-xii coin, sometimes called the xae-x11 coin.


Akihiro Fukumoto

  • Age: 77
  • Role: Grand Master of the Martian Colony

Akihiro Fukumoto, the visionary behind the Martian Colony, is a genius who, 57 years ago, invented and built the groundbreaking technology for rapid travel to Mars via laser flight. As the series unfolds, we discover that Akihiro's machinations, threats, and immense wealth are influential factors behind the inexplicable actions of many, including Henry Grigher and possibly even Novak himself. The Grand Master's intricate plans and the mysteries surrounding his character add depth to the unfolding narrative, revealing the complex web of relationships and motivations driving the events on Mars.

Xae-Xii (also called Xae-X11)

  • Age: 22
  • Role: Chief Rebel and creator of Xae-Xii Coin

Xae-xii, named after the son of the South African billionaire Elon Musk, who lived at the beginning of the previous century, is a great human being!

Xae-xii is on a mission to end the suffering imposed on all the people that come to Mars as volunteers by Akiro Fukumoto. He has no intention of becoming a slave, even if he is an extremely intelligent one!

He gathered a hundred people and set off on a daring escape from the Martian settlement! It's a bold move to run away from the encampment, and it leads to some exciting action! After a day of roaming Mars, they finally arrive at a valley where they set up camp.

They live there for two years without any problems.

But then, the Akiro Fukumoto start launching missiles into the Xae-Xii camp! Xae-Xii is able to resist, but to get more weapons, Xae-Xii decides to mint a coin that sells on Earth.

This coin allows Xae-Xii to receive some weapons and other kinds of help, which they put to good use!

Tag line: The future is bright and red
Geographical Location: Mars
Main Characters: Akihito Fukumoto
Colors: Red and White
Style and Fashion: High Tech Pressure Suits
Weapons: Laser guns
Form of Government: Mathematical Dictatorship
Religion: Math mixed with Star Wars Religions
Values and Ideology: Slaves are good
Main Thematic Conflicts: Hope in the future based on the shoulder of slaves
House, Buildings, and HQs Style and Features: High Tech balloons and High Tech refuges
Materials: Plastic and Metal
Transportation Means: High Tech Golf Cars
Animals: No Live Animals - Just Avatar Animals
Food - Primary Sector: Industrial Food
Music: Country Music of several different countries on Earth - Nostalgic Music
Sports: Gym Sports

Embark on this captivating adventure as Akihiro Fukumoto leads the Martian Colony into uncharted territories, pushing the boundaries of human capability and ethical dilemmas in the quest to make Mars a new frontier for humanity.

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