In a bold and daring move, humanity leaves its comfort zone behind and boldly ventures into the unknown, establishing colonies to conquer the challenges of a barely habitable world.
In the 2020s, the Great California Fires triggered a series of events that led to the situation of 2137 AD—and it was an incredible, wild ride!
In the years that followed, the Amazon forest burned, sea levels rose, and a civil war started in the U.S., halting efforts to combat carbon dioxide.
But that didn't stop the U.S. from splitting into three states by 2034, which led to the first epic apocalypse war: the Water War!
This conflict, born by a dispute in Flagstaff, US, spread globally and culminated in a nuclear war after eight years of intense fighting.
That was called the "Water War" and ended in 2044AD.
After the Water War, the world kept moving forward!
Sure, there were a few hiccups in the form of skirmishes between smaller states, but nothing could stop the world from progressing.
CO2 levels rose to 750 parts per million, causing green streaks in the sky—a truly spectacular sight!
In 2075 AD, the Clay War broke out, forcing humanity to dig colonies in clay-rich areas.
In 2080 AD, 20-year-old Akihiro Fukumoto founded the Mars Colony, offering a glimmer of hope for survival!
In an incredible display of resilience, humanity rose from the ashes of 2096 AD to enjoy a golden age of peace and prosperity between 2097 AD and 2118 AD.
This period came at a high cost, with CO2 levels reaching 1,000 parts per million, turning the sky green, acidifying the oceans, and submerging major cities.
But it also paved the way for the Air War in 2119 AD, which led to some of the most epic global conflicts the world had ever seen!
By 2130 AD, only a few million humans remained on Earth in scattered colonies, ready to face whatever the future held.
In a bold and daring move, humanity left their comfort zones behind and set out on a thrilling adventure to establish colonies in a world that could barely sustain human life.
In the 2020s, the Great California Fires triggered a series of events that led to the situation of 2137 AD—and it was an incredible, wild ride!
In the years that followed, the Amazon forest burned, sea levels rose, and a civil war started in the U.S., halting efforts to combat carbon dioxide.
But that didn't stop the U.S. from splitting into three states by 2034, which led to the first epic apocalypse war: the Water War!
This conflict, born by a dispute in Flagstaff, US, spread globally and culminated in a nuclear war after eight years of intense fighting.
After the Water War, the world kept moving forward!
Sure, there were a few hiccups in the form of skirmishes between smaller states, but nothing could stop the world from progressing.
CO2 levels rose to 750 parts per million, causing green streaks in the sky—a truly spectacular sight!
In 2075 AD, the Clay War broke out, forcing humanity to dig colonies in clay-rich areas.
In 2080 AD, 20-year-old Akihiro Fukumoto founded the Mars Colony, offering a glimmer of hope for survival!
In an incredible display of resilience, humanity rose from the ashes of 2096 AD to enjoy a golden age of peace and prosperity between 2097 AD and 2118 AD.
This period came at a high cost, with CO2 levels reaching 1,000 parts per million, turning the sky green, acidifying the oceans, and submerging major cities.
But it also paved the way for the Air War in 2119 AD, which led to some of the most epic global conflicts the world had ever seen!
By 2130 AD, only a few million humans remained on Earth in scattered colonies, ready to face whatever the future held.
In a bold and daring move, humanity left their comfort zones behind and set out on a thrilling adventure to establish colonies in a world that could barely sustain human life.
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